Welcome to our blog, to start just want to say a bit about us . I (Steph)have two dogs on polar sides of the spectrum, don’t believe me? I currently have a 3 year old blue heeler/collie cross and an 11 year old boxer mastiff. I have worked in a variety of dog fields and am a balanced dog trainer. Whats the weirdest duo you have seen or do you think yours take the cake?? Also what they say about your first dog … correct… and what they say about the second… I want to say you should try it … you really should… but the second one is exactly what they say. #ifyouknowyouknow
Now the other half of us(Scott) is an avid social person who love good food and especially tasting the local drinks. Those of you that have dog(s) get it sometimes its a little harder to go out and do things. We are here to cover the best dog friendly establishments, best outdoor adventures, as well as training tips and debates.
Hope you enjoy our blog and that maybe we will see you out there
Get a dog they said… it would be fun they said…. why not get two …